Hey guys and girls, I'm Kyle and I'm fairly new to snakes. Someone I know was giving a snake away because he couldn't look after it anymore so I took it off him. I've been doing the little things like changing bedding, water and spraying the tank to keep the humidity up around 60 to 70. I've been taking him out every day just to get used to him, putting him around my neck and just getting as comfortable as I can with it being around, I even got the confidence to try popping it but chickened out because I didn't want to hurt it. I've measured it and it's just over 3 and a half foot. There's a problem though, he seems to be a fussy eater and the guy that had it before me has just been putting f/t on top of it's hide and the snake will eat it in the night. I've been taking him out to feed and putting him in a tub with newspaper and he refuses to take anything off tweezers. I don't know what size food he should be eating, I've tried pinky's and it was pointless, I tried a full grown rat and he didn't touch it and then I tried a full grown mouse and it disappeared the next morning so I'm guessing it was eaten. I was trying him on tweezers last night with a fuzzy and he went for it but I dropped it before he finished the strike. What size food should I be feeding it? And how can I get it to eat off tweezers instead of eating off it's hide?