Well, Moggie's outdoor pen is finally done! I thought I would post pictures of the building so you know how it was made. I did all the building by myself, except for help to put the wire on the bottom. I could have used help installing the door, but muddled through without help anyway.

Here is the first wall frame:

Here is a finished wall. I used a 'prefab' technique of building so I could do it without help.

Here is the first wall being put into place with the plywood sides. I propped it up, then attached one piece of plywood, then the other side, then attached the second prefabbed side.

Here is the finished product, with reinforceing 2x4s in place and the wire installed with the door also in place. I have since added some logs and the like inside and let Moggie into it.

This finished cage is 8 foot by 8 foot square, and 6 foot tall, to let me walk in it without killing myself. Moggie of course was placed out in it in the nice sunshine.. and she promptly went to hide. LOL. She loves outside, really!
I'll get some shots of her enjoying it later. I will be bringing her inside to a holding pen when it is too chilly out for her to stay. Everything is made with screws to hold things together, and stapled wire, which is sewn together with string wire. I'm pretty sure it would hold a ferret, which is my measure for how secure it is.
Wolfy(who is DARNED proud)