Despite all the very distracting feline health issues (she's worse now, but at least she doesn't know it and seems happy... ) I am still working and getting stuff done... No, really!


I don't know why I felt like portraying Sobek with a human body but not Unut. Probably cause I have a bunny named Unut. I like it though, and may very well do any other Egyptian deities the same way, more traditionally how they were depicted by the ancient Egyptians rather than anthropomorphic. I dunno, it'll probably depend on the piece. I enjoyed working on him, crocs are awesome and he's a really fascinating and powerful figure. Plus, look, I draw boys too!

Got prints and shirts and stuff up in the shop ifn you're interested, and finally plus sizes for women too! At least on the Blue Gorgon stuff, my connection has been wonky so the Full Circle section still needs work.

Thanks for lookin!