I don't know if any of you know anything about KitchenMaid Stand mixers and how much they cost, but I can tell you that they have been know to go for almost $300 dollars. I just got one for my sister for $131.08 after tax. That kicks so much but. 4 hours away yesterday my mother, grandmother, and I were talking about what my sister wanted for christmas. We decided she would have to wait. like my mom did until she had gotten married to have her husband get her one, because they are so expensive. Then, today I walked in to work and my co worker took a 15 min break to go across the street to get something. Whe she came back she told me what she got. The mixer, and how much it was. Well, I don't have the money to just spend like that so I called my mom to trnsfer it to my account, and I sat and waited. my coworker was afraid by the time my mom got the money trnsfered that they would eb sold out, so she gave me the money and i wrote her a check and headed across the street to buy the mixer. I was the only one in the store. I tell you, it was fate. My sister so isn't expecting this, considering how much they cost normally. I am so excited. I can't wait to see her face. Hahaha. This is gonna be great. What a way to start the day. I can't wait for christmas morning now. Yippie. That is the best deal ever. I can't believe this. Yay