Can I get some opinions?

I have a 36"x18"x12" PVC enclosure that I am setting up. Unfortunately, Pro Products heat panels were a long wait, and I needed it fairly quick, so I went with a VE RHP from Pangea Reptiles (great service, fast delivery). Trying out this RHP's for the first time.

Anyways... the light source I have is a 10" LED stick. I would prefer a full length LED strip, but this is what I have for now, and it's fairly bright anyhow.

Opinions on if it looks better or more appropriate to be placed center in the rear, where the 1¾" thick RHP hides the view from the front (FIG A), or if placing it on the right side along the depth looks better (FIG B)?

No right or wrong answer. I know it's a preference call. Curious what others think.