I have a wall-sized shelf-unit that needs to be replaced. Kit it came in had pieces made of particle-board which has crumbled on the bottom, and the wall is holding it up. So I HAVE to build a new unit anyway.
My aim was to build the enclosure into the replacement unit as I was constructing it.
I wanted to use epoxy-coating on the interior walls to keep wood-stain away from the reptile and make a humidity and moisture resistant surface inside the enclosure. The epoxy is used in aquaruim-decor as a critter-safe sealant for the grouting they use to make fake rocks and backgrounds. It's clear, so staining the plywood in back and sides would give color to the interior while the epoxy-coat would seal it and make it safe.

But I wanted to insert a glass panel into the floor of the enclosure to accommodate a UTH. I just would like to know if siliconing the glass floor to the lip of the bottom - would seal correctly between the glass and epoxy.