I had to take her to the vet every (3) days for (1) month for antibiotic injections. She was only there for less than 5 minutes during these visits.

The only focus right now is the new feeding schedule to see if she can start gaining weight. I am going to feed (2) medium rats that equal 5% of her body weight, (about 390g) every 10 days. Does anyone see a problem with this?

In one month from now, I will get her weight and let everyone know. If she still hasn't gained weight or even worse, lost more weight, then I know for sure something is very wrong.

I will continue giving the probiotics, only putting it in the rat's oral cavity, it just won't be all that much. You recommend giving her B vitamins also, which ones should I get? What should I think about the one bloodwork showing inclusion bodies and the following bloodwork not showing inclusion bodies? Should I have more bloodwork to get a better idea? I remember my vet saying that it could be because each python species has a unique blood cell. The pathologist could have been mistaken due to her being a Boelens python.