Hey, not sure if I put this in the right forum, but I ran into an issue today and need some advice and knowledge.

I feed my snakes f/t rats but I had a friend who had 6 live rats they needed rid of. So I picked them up as well as the stuff to make a small CO2 chamber to euthanize them.

I had a feeling this would happen and I should've prepared for this.. but 2 of the rats are still pretty young, super friendly and I'm considering keeping them as pets and euthanizing the others. Their temperaments just seem too good to use as feeders. I at least want to keep them until I can rehome them as pets.

That being said, I know fairly little about rat care, and everything I try to look up is like.. Petco and Petsmart care guides and I already don't trust them. However I do trust this forum and hobbyists in general.

I'm not looking to spoil them or anything, but what would be the equivalent to a ball python tub set up (essentials without sacrificing care) but for rats? The rat tub setups I see on here seem to be more aimed for maximizing breeder efficiency, which I don't want to do. I just want their requirements to be met, but I don't have too much idea what that entails.

Also looking for what type of bedding will minimize smell the most and maximize efficiency of how often I need to clean them.

Thank you for any help/advice!