Quick question here, I'm running an RHP on a thermostat in a tub and I am trying to achieve a hot spot surface temp of 90f.

My dilemma is there is quite a large hide under the RHP that takes up about 1/3 of the enclosure, and would be very easy to climb on. Every time I reach a ground-level temp of 90f the top of the hide, being closer to the RHP, reads up to 100f surface temp. If I lower the temp so that the top of the hide reaches no more than 90-92f, the inside of the hide/ground level won't reach any more than 85.

My question is, will the surface being closer to the RHP and able to be climbed on, propose a danger to the snake if it is reading this high? If so, will the snake be alright with the top of the hide being the only hot spot of 90 while the rest of the hot side is around 85? Or does someone have a better solution?