Good morning! I’m coming for help after a recent vet checkup left me (and the vet) with more questions than answers. BP’s vet said that she wants him to weigh about 500 grams (he was ~400 at the time of the appointment) but when I asked how to help him gain the weight, she just… reiterated that she had no idea, no suggestions, no comments on his current diet, etc.

My BP is around three years old, and eating a small rat every other week (when he decides to eat, he’s a picky baby) which the vet said she thinks is what he’s supposed to be eating at his age. I know the default idea would be to feed him more often, but he doesn’t take to a “once a week” diet, and I worry about trying to feed him bigger portions because everything I’ve found says the largest male BP’s are meant to go is small rats. He also weighed in at about 370 grams when I weighed him yesterday (he’s been on a bit of a hunger strike) despite having just as much energy as ever, still I’m concerned what it means if he’s underweight, I’d REALLY hate to be depriving him of food and comfortable health.

TLDR: vet says my BP needs to gain 100+ grams in weight, said she had no idea how I would do this, so now *I* have no idea how I would do this. Please help?