Just a little while back, I had posted something about a problem with the substrate I am using (Aspen bedding) because my BP, Monty, was getting it stuck in his mouth if he would go to strike at his mice and be inconvenienced trying to get it out of his mouth before actually going back to the mouse. I had heard in the past that some people feed thier snakes in a separate enclosure and alot of people were using rubber made tubs just to feed them in. I started to think to my self,"Now we're thinking outside the box!". My ex girlfriend had bought Monty a small rubbermaid tub, clear, with a locking top for me to be able to soak him to treat him for mites if I ever needed it. Well so far I haven't needed it...until now. I started thinking maybe if I feed him in the tub i won't have to change substrates ( he really likes the aspen I'm using as apposed to the rolled carpet type liner I had gotten from the pet shop). Today I tried it out. I first got it out and drilled six tiny airholes in the top, then put Monty in and then popped the mouse in and shut the lid. Being it's clear plastic I can monitor his progress as I learned not to leave them unattended while feeding with my last BP. (My last ball python got bit a couple times by a small rat and got injured. After that it took me a while to get him to eat live rats again because he was shy of them, not to mention I had to get him patched up at the vet. Good thing I know a vet in town who will handle snakes and not just Dogs and Cats). Monty went right to the mice right away and handled them like a champ. No more getting Aspen stuck in his mouth or chasing the mouse half way around his cage. It was a better experience all around and I believe I will use this method from now on. I would like to say thanks to everyone who helped me out with ideas and even to those who didn't post to my post with a suggestion, but posted suggestions to others on this forum that helped me out as well. I have found this an awesome forum and everyone has been so helpful. Thanks again everyone!
