Cool - thanks for the reassurance. And the move since Giant is indeed where she's headed.

Almost all the rocks i have seen have some sort of labial markings fromt the usually symmetrical moss-green/ochre markings coming down on the upper lips and the black "false teeth" lines on the lower. Since I had to pick up a pinkie rat for the plated lizard I stopped by the place I picked Neph up and checked out some of thier new critters. A couple of thier balls and one of thier Burmese had burn marks from the ceramic emitters and bulbs they have inside the cases. Most of these were on thier backs near the spine but judging from the frequency they shift thier "stock" from display to display it wouldn't be hard to imagine them bumping around in a different setting.

And here, beaglegod I will swap out my avatar for ya

EDIT: ok got a warm fuzzy one for ya - name that angry samurai rabbit.