Yeah, the sad part is, many organisations (probably including this one) mask their true intentions in "animal welfare" when really, they are "animal rights". They actually don't want it to be legal for anyone to own pets..especially exotics like BPs (even if captive bred) and so make sham arguments to discourage or make it seem unethical.

These groups are often the same ones pushing to spay / neuter ALL dogs / cats because of "overpopulation". If this was done, it would naturally end in all domesticated cats / dogs going extinct, but they don't talk about that lol.

Caali- There is an organisation here, the HSUS (humane society of the united states) that is very much like PETA in its' goals, but it pretends to be more serious and level-headed. Because it does not seem as extreme as PETA, people take it more seriously, but it has the same goals. Many people call that group "PETA in suits" lol. Both they and PETA have lobbyists trying to pass all kinds of laws to prevent people from owning pets. They were the ones pushing USFWS to add several species of snakes to the Lacey act to ban movement across state lines.

Overall, I find it unfortunate that people are so fast to condemn others' hobbies as evil or wrong due to their own beliefs. IMO, if you are not hurting others, you should be allowed to do as you please...But some don't see it that way and would gladly take away peoples rights to do and own what they want. :/