Reorganizing the priorities and storylines!

Hey guys it's been a little while. I have some big news to share with you all and I am very hopeful that you guys will be excited and maybe even comment on what is in this update.

I have done so much reorganizing with my Storylines and on my YouTube channel that has most control over how these posts go. I was thinking about how much I'm going to do with the Gray Army and how I could potentially come off as I'm not as interested or I don't like my two exotic enclosures as much (Five Lined Dumpy Family), so I have decided to do something that is possibly complicated and simple at the same time.

I plan on merging the two storylines together and at the same time keep them separate. The simple answer is the exotic animals will have their thread and updates on forums and groups, as well as have their own exclusive playlist on my channel just as everything is organized now. That's simple I'm going to have separate stories I report on with those specific animals, and everything will be organized.

The complicated area is incorporating the exotics into the main story that's featuring The Gray Army and variety of different projects. On my channel I have in the description of the Gray Army's story that the playlist is about my terrarium keeping, so I got the idea to incorporate the enclosures that could potentially be an afterthought if I do not represent them well. So I figured that including them into the story of a general terrarium keeping playlist would help them stay relevant and avoid long absences from the channel. This also gives me more potential to create competitions and more creative crossover videos just for fun. I also get to talk about the exotics in this storyline and the Gray Army in the exotics storyline.

For the most part the updates will be separate because I already have threads started for both groups, and the updates would be too long for you to follow probably lol, but I hope that allowing crossover content will not only keep things interesting and fresh, but both fanbases of my different animals and their storylines have more interest in the other. It can also give people who follow me for the Gray Army something to root for if we have versus videos and you have to vote for the winner of some competition. I hope to create more innovative ideas and to bring people together all while I tell their stories individually and together.

I hope that you guys are interested in this merge or crossover between the two storylines on YouTube. As I said before it will not effect on here as I share stories only about one group at a time.

The Giant Millipedes mated tonight
The Gray Army is preparing for hibernation
The Leafcutter Bees are sleeping and awaiting the Gray Army to join them in the hibernaculum.

The Five Lined Dumpy Family (Exotics) are in an odd place.

White's Tree Frogs are in quarantine and getting rid of ringworm

Finn is battling parasites

Skinks are inconsistent in activity because the cold weather effects the room they are in.

Florence is not as active either.

A video is coming to discuss the merger/crossover/co-op stories.

Checkout the channel and tell me if the home display on the channel is easier to understand and navigate!

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