Quote Originally Posted by recycling goddess
i loooooooooove cute snakey noses... girl you NEED a camera!!! i may just drive down there myself and take a million pics!
Ok, I'll go for that!!!!
I think it is just my "way" with snakes but I can't keep any of them willing to display and be agressive for long.
Well, look at your cute face and those eyes....I wouldn't bite you either....unless I just wanted to be a brat that is.
You kind of remind me of my brother. I had to look twice at that avatar to make sure it *wasn't* my brother. I was starting to wonder "when did Steve get into snakes? I thought guns were his thing?"

He's settling in quite nicely. He hissed at my hubby this morning when he went into the bathroom but that's it. I think he just doesn't like being walked in on while he's lounging on top of his hide. I wish I could take him out...I'm missing not having a snake to play with (my MBK just got fed so I can't play with her either right now )
After I feed him and give him more time to settle in and whatnot, I'll take him out to run around a bit.

I don't mind if he loses his showy-ness or keeps it. Either way would be good for the kids. My MBK is just as sweet as can be and doesn't do anything but look at ya when you reach in to take her out. My kids can grab her up, but I think that having a snake with more 'tude' would be good for them too. They need to learn about the different attitudes and such of snakes so they can aquire an appropriate respect and appreciation for snakes in general.

He really is a beautiful boy. He's got the nicest belly too! It's that real pale cream color and it just compliments his coloration so well.....I'm in love, can ya tell?